Who are we and how did we get here?

As you cross the countless islands and bridges spanning the glorious tropical waters where the Atlantic Ocean meets the Gulf of Mexico, a unique and beautiful environment known as the Florida Keys unfolds around you. Gliding across the emerald waters to the mangrove islands that dot the horizon, you soon encounter legendary game fish such as permit, bonefish, and sharks. The warm waters are filled with sea turtles, dolphin, tarpon, coral habitats and colorful tropical fishes, and you readily sense the unique timelessness of this environmental treasure.

… However, this treasure may not be timeless. As you know, an unprecedented event caused by the Deepwater Horizon catastrophe allowed millions of gallons of oil and dispersants to flow into the Gulf of Mexico. This disaster resulted in the tragic loss of habitat, fisheries, and according to most marine and ocean scientists, will most likely have far reaching, long-term impacts on ecosystems all over the Gulf of Mexico, including the biologically critical Florida Keys.

Thanks for visiting!

Barry Wray

Executive Director